Women can establish a deep emotional connection with the men of their choice by activating a little-known male love instinct that’s hardwired into all men.
Yet 99% of both men and women are not aware of this instinct, which is so deep it flies “under the radar.”
Even though the evidence is all around us in bestselling books, movies and even ancient children’s stories.
By sending secret signals that tap into this subconscious biological drive in a man, women can arouse a primal force that goes much deeper than physical attraction. This drive is more powerful than his desire for love, money or even sex.
It goes back one or two million years, when men had to protect women against sabretooth tigers, starvation and enemy tribes.
It doesn’t mean women were weak and helpless damsels in distress. Far from it. The typical Paleolithic woman was far stronger than modern women. They walked five or more miles a day to gather food. They carried babies, firewood and equipment. Given half the chance, they could knock a man’s brains out with a wooden club.
But, back then, nobody was strong enough to survive by themselves. Everybody had to help each other. And women were more important to the tribe’s survival than men.
Deep-down, below the surface of jobs and text messages, modern men still feel that way.
And that’s the key to winning a man’s love, attention and total devotion for life. Active his male love instinct.
Click here to find out how to use this secret male instinct to transform your love life.
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