Romance Resources

First Impressions Count, Especially on the Phone When You Say “Hello”

You know first impressions count for a lot when you meet somebody in person – and when you answer the phone.

How you say “hello” is his first impression of you when he calls, especially the first time.

A happy and energetic greeting makes a big difference.

couple in love after making first impressions count
First impressions count forever

It tells him how happy you are to hear from him. Your voice can set him at ease or frighten him away.

Unfortunately, how sound when we pick up the phone is related to our mood, and we’re not paying attention how we sound to the other person.

However, people immediately pick up the feeling your voice is conveying. That’s especially true because when they call, they’re not distracted by how you look. All their focus is on your voice.

Therefore, make sure you come across as inviting and engaging – no matter what your mood is.

Practice saying “hello” is different ways while recording yourself. You’ll soon be able to hear the difference for yourself. Think about how you’d react if somebody spoke that way to you.

Experiment. Make your “hello” happy, flat, frightened, upset, angry, irritated and annoyed.

Change your voice by raising and lowering your pitch and volume. How does that affect how you come across?

Say “Hello!”

NOT “Hello” or “Hello?”

Practice saying that “happy hello” until answering your phone that way becomes an automatic habit.

That will make others see and hear you more as a warm, inviting person. It’s worth the time it takes for your family and friends as well as for any romantic interests.

Scientific research, including the Voice Neurocognition Laboratory in Glasgow, verifies how a person answers the phone can make a big difference in how they’re perceived by others.  A happy, energetic “hello” can change many things for you.

You’re letting him know he punched the right number.


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First Impressions Count, Especially on the Phone
When you answer the phone, first impressions count just as they do in person, so how you say "hello" makes a big difference when that special guy calls.
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Love Conquers All Press