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How to Transform Bad Boys Into Good Men Who Love You Like Crazy

bad boys

Inside all the “bad boys” (sometime deeply buried) is a good man waiting for the right woman to spot him, and love him.

See, behind all the rhetoric and hysteria about “testosterone” (simply a hormone both men and women need for good health) and “toxic” masculinity, there is this truth.

For two million years, men didn’t hurt the women of their clan or tribe because they were too busy hunting and protecting the women and children from other clans and tribes.

Men needed women to have and raise children and to gather food.

Women needed men to hunt food, kill attacking animals and strangers.

Men with brute strength and power had a lot of social prestige because they were better hunters and fighters, and therefore improved everybody’s chances for survival.

That’s why so many women are attracted to the bad-asses.

However, today we live in civilized society. Survival no longer depends on sheer physical strength. Overall, that’s a good thing, but many young men requires some years to adapt to that reality. When they’re older and more mature, they settle down and live as responsible husbands and fathers.

But those young men overwhelmed by their own energy don’t really want to be “bad.” That’s just the label society assigns to them if they’re not ready to sit at a desk for the rest of their lives, so they rebel.

The problem is, because they’re so young and society no longer requires them to track down woolly mammoths and fight off enemy raids on their cave, they feel useless.

Nobody is demanding they take responsibility for themselves, let alone for all the women of the tribe – their mother, sisters and wife.

Without that, they feel rootless and lost, so they rebel.

So nobody expects much from them.

And they react by taking what they want.

This unrestrained sexuality makes for wild and crazy sex, but it can’t last . . .

The net night, the woman wants more, but he’s drunk in a bar with his buddies and doesn’t even bother to call.

Eventually the woman marries an accountant with a steady paycheck and pretends to herself she doesn’t miss men who lose control when they’re inside her.

Everybody loses.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

The irresponsible bad boy secretly craves a woman who demands he channel his masculinity toward saving her from sabre-tooth tigers and cave bears.

The woman who understands that need not ever settle for a dull “nice guy” again.

Go now to find out how make the bad boy you adore feel a deep, inner connection with you he cannot resist.

find a bad boy to love

How to Transform Bad Boys Into Good Men Who Love You Like Crazy
Article Name
How to Transform Bad Boys Into Good Men Who Love You Like Crazy
Inside all the bad boys there is a good man who wants to take care of a woman, but he is rebelling because life no longer demands he prove his manhood that way.
Publisher Name
Love Conquers All Press